21 — 24

THE RFK TAPES with William Klaber

Sunday 24th

Tailors’ Hall

Tickets: €9.99 Student/OAP €7.99

THE RFK TAPES with William Klaber

Author William Klaber blows the lid on the assassination and cover up of Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy with new evidence and a spellbinding narrative.  Joining William Klaber will be Political Editor at Mail on Sunday John Lee. 

June 5, 1968. After Robert Kennedy’s victory speech at the Ambassador Hotel, he was led off the stage and into a kitchen where he was fatally shot.  A young Palestinian man, in possession of a pistol, was apprehended a few feet away. In time, the young man, Sirhan Sirhan, would confess to the crime, offer a motive, and say he acted alone – a prosecutor’s dream. Rumors of conspiracy seemed for once, not only unfounded, but easily refuted. But this seemingly most explicable of the 1960’s political murders would turn out to be, in many ways, the most mysterious. For example, while the accused insisted that he acted alone, numerous witnesses saw him being led to the crime by a beautiful woman, who was then seen running from the hotel laughing. She then vanished. Ballistic evidence collected by the police appeared to prove that a second gun was fired in the kitchen and other evidence suggested that Sirhan Sirhan may not have shot Kennedy at all. More disturbing still, after the trial was over, the LAPD announced that their extensive investigation files were to be kept secret indefinitely. But why? Calls for transparency were ignored, and the police files stayed out of reach for two full decades. Finally, public pressure prevailed, and the files were opened, but slowly the reason for police secrecy began to emerge. The files contained a record of their criminal conduct. In Klaber’s presentation at the Festival of Politics, he will speak about what was found in the police files and what light they shed on this murder.

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