SCIENCE FRICTION – Man Vs Machine with Zoltan Istvan & Gerd Leonhard
- Friday 16th
- 8PM
Tailors’ Hall
Tickets: €14.99/€19.99 Student/OAP €11.99
SCIENCE FRICTION – Man Vs Machine /Sinew Vs Circuitry
Witness sparks fly as transhumanist Zoltan Istvan and futurist Gerd Leonhard contest the possibility of human obsolescence.
As a species our ascent has been rapid. Since we emerged blinking from the cave or dragged ourselves from the swamp Homo Sapiens has innovated, experimented and evolved at a dizzying rate. From stone tools to metalurgy and from the wheel to VR, our progress has ensured dominance over the lesser animals. As we enter an era of truly transformational change, an age when space travel is feasible, where virtual reality takes over from call centres, a future were death may not be inevitable but ironically taxes are, where does that leave humanity? Are we entering a new era of enlightenment or has our unfetterered progression opened a Pandora’s box? Festival of Politics is delighted to host two of the leading international speakers on the topic of technology and futurism. Join Zoltan Istvan & Gerd Leonhard as they debate the issue of humans versus machines under the watchful eye of Karlin Lillington. A humanitarian activist and former journalist for National Geographic, Istvan has been variously compared to a young Al Gore and Ayn Rand. Leonhard’s latest work ‘Technology vs. Humanity’, sounds a clarion regarding what is at stake as we enter a world run by soulless machines and intelligent algorithms. The event will be chaired by Karlin Lillington, a journalist and columnist with the Irish Times focusing on technology, with a special interest in the political, social, business and cultural aspects of information and communication technologies. She has been a contributor to a wide range of Irish and international publications, including The Guardian and The New Scientist amongst others.